Avocations is another “For the fun of doing it.” blog. I have many blogs where creative fun is the primary reason they exist.
Yes, I only cover what I do in my hobbies. One of my hobbies is creating blog and web sites. I don’t do this as a vocation. However, I have several active websites I created and manage for business use. So a few are not strictly hobby. They are very “low maintenance” display sites. Once up and running, they require very little attention.
I have a lot of activities in which I am or have been involved. My interest shifts, or perhaps I should say “wanders”. I come back to old interests, but some will probably remain, “been there, done that” status.
There is just not enough time in one lifetime to do everything at one time (that I enjoy) forever. Such is the reality of TIME.
No fixed plans how this bog “Avocations” is going to develop. This writing is the very beginning. So a clear path ahead. My blogs are more like my diaries of activity. Not trying to teach anything in particular. Mostly “Show & Tell”.
No politics (I hope) and no religion. Not trying to be controversial about what are just hobbies. I can always start (yet) another blog if I desire to venture into those waters.
Thanks for stopping in. Comments should be working. Let me know you were here!
– Dan